Política de privacidad

AdsTube: Privacy Policy

  1. Purpose of the Privacy Policy. In compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, AdsTube.co (hereinafter referred to as "AdsTube") wishes to inform users of the Sites of the policy regarding the treatment and protection of personal data of those who provide their personal data for personalized use or under registration of the services of the Sites or any other act that implies a communication of their personal data to AdsTube.

AdsTube also informs users that this Privacy Policy contains a general description of the aspects related to the processing of personal data that AdsTube carries out as the controller of said processing derived from the operation of the Sites.

This policy is supplemented by informative texts and texts requesting informed consent that are incorporated into any data request form on the Sites or included in any particular conditions for the use of certain services.

It is the responsibility of the user to read the aforementioned informative texts and consent request texts included in any data request form on the Sites before communicating their personal data to AdsTube.

This policy is expressly and fully accepted by the user from the moment they communicate their personal data to AdsTube for the use of the Sites or the services published on them, as such communication is always voluntary.

If the user does not agree with this policy, they should not use any service of the Sites that requires communication of their personal data to AdsTube.

Users are informed that this policy will be of subsidiary application to those others that, on the same matter, are established on a special and/or individual basis and communicated to the user, without limitation, through registration forms, contracting conditions, or conditions of particular services, this policy being complementary to the previous ones in that which is not contradictory.

The user is informed that any processing of personal data will fall under the scope of the current legislation in Andorra regarding data protection.

In the event that commercial communications include links with access to our websites or those of third parties with their own privacy policies, it may be decided whether or not to accept them at the time of accessing them.

  1. Responsible for the treatment. The responsible party for the processing of personal data carried out through the Sites is AdsTube, with address at AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra.

  2. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer. The electronic contact address of the AdsTube Data Protection Officer is the following: CONTACT@AdsTube.co

  3. Data of Minors. Minors under 18 years of age may not use particular AdsTube Services that require registration or identification as registered users, even with the representation of their father, mother, guardian, or legal representative.

  4. Accuracy and veracity of Personal Data. Users who access the Sites are not required to provide personal information to browse them, therefore, any communication of data for such purposes will be because the user has voluntarily decided to browse or use the Sites and/or personalize the services made available to the user through the Sites.

The user agrees to provide truthful, updated, complete, and correct information, always and solely corresponding to their own identity (it is prohibited to provide data from third parties) through any data collection channel published on the Sites, such as registration or subscription forms, contact, suggestions, contracting and/or any other data request form from the Sites, by sending an email to AdsTube, or through a postal communication, as indicated below.

The user is solely responsible for the veracity, accuracy, updating, and correctness of the data provided, exonerating AdsTube from any responsibility in this regard, committing the user to keep the personal data duly updated.

The user is the only source of information on their personal data, so AdsTube requests that, in order to keep their data up-to-date and up-to-date at all times in accordance with the principles of data protection legislation, communicate to the address indicated for the exercise of the rights indicated in this Policy, any variation thereof. In any case, when the data is collected or provided directly from the affected user, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations, those provided by the latter will be considered accurate, as long as the user does not update or rectify them in AdsTube.

  1. Data of special categories. AdsTube does not request or require through the Sites information or data of special categories of users, understanding by these, in accordance with current legislation, data that reveals ethnic or racial origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions, or trade union membership and genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, data relating to physical or mental health, data relating to the sexual life or sexual orientation of a natural person.

In the event that AdsTube at any time requires this information from the user, the express consent of the user will be requested to collect and use this information, communicating to the user, previously and unequivocally, the purpose of the collection and treatment of said information.

Consequently, in the event that for any reason —and without having been requested by AdsTube— said information is voluntarily communicated by the user to the aforementioned entity, said communication will suppose the existence of a manifestation of express consent by the user regarding the treatment of their data by AdsTube.

  1. Purposes for which personal data is used. The user who accesses the AdsTube Sites and voluntarily provides personal information to browse the Sites in a personalized way or use a service that requires data communication is informed of the following purposes of the processing of their personal data that AdsTube may carry out:

7.1 Registration on the Sites. When the user registers on any of our Sites, the personal data provided for this purpose will be processed to manage the registration, as well as those generated as a result of the use of the Site services through their username(s) and password(s).

7.2 Subscription to services for sending commercial communications and newsletters. When the user registers for the services published on the AdsTube Sites for the subscription to the sending of commercial and advertising communications and newsletters and/or requests such shipments through any other means, such as a request to AdsTube through an email, personal data will be processed to manage the subscription to the service, as well as to send the aforementioned commercial and advertising communications and newsletters.

In the event that the user unsubscribes from the service, revokes their consent, or opposes the receipt of such shipments, only the minimum essential user data will be kept to prevent the sending of commercial advertising communications and newsletters.

7.3 User Opinions and Comments. When the user registers for the services published on the AdsTube Sites to comment on the advertised service/product, personal data will be processed to manage the subscription to the service, as well as for the service to identify you as its author and also to moderate the messages and content communicated by the user and, where appropriate, prohibit the publication and/or eliminate opinions that do not comply with the conditions of use of the service.

7.4 Publication of content by the user. When the user registers for the services published on the AdsTube Sites to publish content through the services enabled for this purpose, personal data will be processed to manage the subscription to the service, as well as to manage and guarantee the publication of the user's contents and, where appropriate, publish their status as author or owner thereof. Likewise, AdsTube will process your data to verify, if necessary, your status as owner of the intellectual property rights or legitimate licensee thereof.

7.5 Online registration service at AdsTube.org When the user uses the online registration service at AdsTube.org, AdsTube will process their personal data to attend to and manage the registration in the service.

7.6 Information, Suggestions, and Contact Service. When the user uses the services enabled for this purpose to send suggestions or contact AdsTube (through forms, telephone, postal mail, or email), personal data will be processed to attend to and manage the response to the suggestion or request made by the user.

  1. Purposes of treatment common to the collection of personal data of the user through the registration and use of all the services of the Sites. 8.1 Voluntarily and legitimately based on the consent that the user grants to AdsTube, if applicable, by checking the boxes provided for this purpose in the data collection forms published on the Sites:
  • To send the user, by postal mail, email, and other equivalent electronic means of communication, commercial and advertising communications about AdsTube services and products related to digital marketing and directories.
  • To know, segment, and profile the browsing and advertising habits of the user's business in order to adapt the products and services of AdsTube to the preferences and tastes of the user.
  • To collect information through tracking and tracing technologies (cookies) of user activity upon receipt of commercial and advertising communications sent by AdsTube, in relation to whether the user receives the communication, when the user opens it and the links to which you access, all with the purpose of collecting statistics on the use of the AdsTube Sites, measuring the success of the advertising campaigns carried out by this company as well as the response rates and knowing, segmenting, browsing habits, and advertising creating user profiles.

In any case, the user is informed that the purposes of the processing of their personal data collected through the forms included in the Sites will be explained through informative texts published in the forms themselves and when required, as previously stated, AdsTube will request, through the boxes provided for this purpose, the user's consent for the processing of their personal data when the legal basis for such processing is based on obtaining the user's consent.

8.2 Based on legitimate interest:

  • To keep the minimum essential data of the user who opposes that AdsTube send him commercial and advertising communications, in order to be able to identify him and adopt the necessary measures to prevent the sending of commercial and advertising communications.
  1. Recipients of the User's Personal Data Based on the processing of personal data set forth in the previous section, AdsTube informs the user that it plans to communicate their personal data to the following third parties as indicated below:

9.1 Assignments Based on Legitimate Interest: AdsTube will publish the personal data of the user in their capacity as a merchant, businessperson, and professional in the different AdsTube directories contained in any medium for the purposes of commercial exploitation and public consultation thereof by third parties.

9.2 Voluntary Transfers and Legal Basis in the Consent Granted by the User: To the users of the official pages of B2STATS in social networks, in which case, it will be the user themselves who decides the transfers of their data that will be made to third parties, according to those parts of the service whose use allows you to voluntarily share information with other users of the official AdsTube pages.

9.3 Processors: AdsTube hires different entities that provide pre-sale services, advertising services, tele-sales, advertising production, post-sale services, computer support, and recovery, through custom treatment contracts to support the treatment purposes indicated in this policy.

9.4 **AdsTube informs the user that any other communication of personal data that must be made will be made known to the user when so provided by current legislation, informing them expressly, precisely, and unequivocally of the recipients of the information, the purpose for which the data will be used, and the nature of the data transferred, or, where appropriate, when the legislation establishes it, previously the unequivocal, specific, and informed consent of the user will be requested. For these purposes, the user must pay special attention to the information provided in each case in the personal data collection forms published on the Sites and in this policy.

  1. Exercise of Rights: AdsTube informs the user of the possibility of exercising, in the terms determined by the applicable regulations, the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation to treatment, opposition, portability, and the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling. Likewise, the user has the right to withdraw the consent granted in relation to the processing of personal data that is voluntary, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

  2. Exercise of Other Rights Regarding Electronic Commerce and Commercial Advertising Communications: AdsTube informs the user who has expressly authorized the sending of commercial advertising communications and/or newsletters by email that, under the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the user has the right to oppose the processing of their data for promotional purposes for the receipt of commercial communications, advertising and/or newsletters, as well as the right to revoke the consent given for this purpose at any time by simply notifying AdsTube of your will and/or by sending an email.

For this, the user may direct their communication requesting the cessation of sending commercial communications, advertising and/or newsletters, by revocation of consent and/or opposition to the email address: CONTACT@adstube.co, indicating in the subject "Unsubscribe."

AdsTube will respond to your request, keeping the minimum data necessary to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the sending of said commercial communications.

  1. Data Retention Period: AdsTube will keep the user's personal data as long as the treatment is maintained and the user does not request their deletion.

  2. International Transfers: In the event that the user is a merchant, businessperson, and/or professional, there is the possibility that AdsTube transfers their personal data with the authorization of the Andorran Data Protection Agency, for the sole purpose of being in charge of the treatment.

AdsTube has signed a contract that includes the standard contractual clauses provided for in current legislation, a copy of which is available to the user who may request it from AdsTube by means of a written communication addressed to CONTACT@adstube.co

  1. Follow Us on Social Networks: Social networks are services provided by third-party providers that allow the user to participate in a virtual community with other users through which they can generate their own public profile where they can create and share content, information, and personal data with other network users. In a social network, you can create and share pages, accounts, or profiles for personal and/or commercial purposes. The operation of the social network is regulated, firstly, by the conditions established by the owner and/or provider of the network and, secondly, when it comes to pages, accounts, or profiles for commercial purposes, by the terms and conditions established by the person in charge of the profile or commercial account, which, where appropriate, will also be responsible for the processing of their data.

AdsTube has profiles on some social networks such as, without limitation, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube. The user can follow us and become a fan of the official pages of AdsTube in the mentioned social networks and in the different social networks.

The user is informed that the processing of data carried out through the pages, profiles, or accounts of AdsTube on social networks will be governed by the corresponding policies and conditions of both the official page and the provider and owner of each social network, where appropriate, the said owner and provider of the social network being also responsible for the file of the user's personal data that is processed on the official page.

  1. Personal Data Published: The user is informed that said data is part of one or more data processing responsibilities of AdsTube in which they have been incorporated with the prior informed consent of the interested parties and cannot be freely processed and reproduced by the user or other third-party users —not even when reference is made to their origin— unless the prior authorization and informed consent of the interested party is obtained.

The personal data that AdsTube may publish on its Sites may consist, without limitation, of any numerical, alphabetical, graphic, photographic, acoustic, or any other type of information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons, such as the name, surname, photos, images of events held by AdsTube, data published by users of the AdsTube Site services, and other information.

Therefore, all personal data —including images, videos, texts, data, and any other information that is published on our Sites about identified and/or identifiable natural persons— may only be used by the user in order to participate and enjoy our Sites in the manner established in this policy or, where appropriate, in the general and particular conditions that regulate a certain service, and within the framework of current legislation, being expressly prohibited any other uses other than those indicated, including the incorporation of images or data to files or treatments and/or creation of databases of people and/or sending advertising or assignment to third parties, without the prior informed consent of the interested owner of the information and data, not being responsible AdsTube of the uses that the user or other third-party users of our Sites make in contravention of what is established in these conditions and others that regulate them.

At no time should the user consider that the AdsTube Sites are a publicly accessible source from which personal data, information, and content published through them can be made freely available.

  1. Use of Cookies and Data Storage and Recovery Devices in User Terminal Equipment: AdsTube uses cookies and data storage and recovery devices on the user's terminal equipment when the user browses the Sites.

Such cookies and data storage and recovery devices are used by AdsTube under the conditions and for the purposes described in its Cookies Policy.

  1. Recommendations to Users: AdsTube recommends the user to use the latest versions of computer programs to browse the Internet given the incorporation of greater security measures.

Similarly, AdsTube recommends users to use the security mechanisms available to them (secure web servers, cryptography, digital signature, firewall, etc.) to protect the confidentiality and integrity of their data to the extent necessary, since there are risks of impersonation or violation of communication.

AdsTube reminds users that the Internet is not completely secure. However, different means exist and are developed that allow you to improve the protection of your data. So use whatever means you can to protect your data and communications, such as legally available encryption for confidential email and access codes to your own personal computer.

AdsTube warns users that whenever they provide personal information over the Internet through email, news groups, discussion forums, etc., keep in mind that such information can be collected and processed for purposes not desired by users, therefore AdsTube recommends that users inform themselves about the confidentiality and privacy policies of the online sites they visit.

Users are also cautioned to keep in mind that email on the Internet is not secure unless they use encryption mechanisms. Email messages and discussion forums can be subject to forgery and impersonation, which must be taken into account whenever they are used. If you do not want to publish your email address, configure your browser so that it does not leave your email address on the web servers you access.

  1. Policy Update: Without prejudice to the preferential application of the specific legal texts for this purpose, such as informative texts inserted in data collection forms, as well as, where appropriate, in the conditions of particular services, AdsTube will periodically update this Privacy Policy and treatment of personal data of the users of the Sites. Any modification of this policy will be published on its Sites.

In any case, it will be the user's responsibility to periodically access the AdsTube Privacy Policy published on the Sites, in order to know the latest version at all times.

  1. Contact Information: For any questions about this Privacy Policy, the user may contact AdsTube by electronic means through our contact form or CONTACT@adstube.co.